Campaigns Meetings

A rare look behind the scenes at the DNC

We watched our television screens with great pride and enthusiasm as delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte nominated President Obama and Vice President Biden and charted the future course for our party. But a fortunate few got to see history being made firsthand — the delegates to the convention.

The Lake of the Woods Democratic Club will hear personal accounts of the week in Charlotte directly from a panel of Virginia delegates at its meeting Sept. 20 in the LOW Clubhouse.

Janet Payne of Fredericksburg, Thomas H. Francis of North Cumberland and Matthew Rowe of Bowling Green have accepted invitations to be at the meeting to share their experiences and answer questions. Other nearby delegates may also be present.

This program will provide club members and others with a rare opportunity to learn what happens at a national political convention in a way that the television cameras can’t show.

The meeting will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Clubhouse. As always, visitors are welcome, regardless of political affiliation.


August meeting

The August club meeting will feature Dr. Emile Lester, a professor at the University of Mary Washington, who will speak on religion in American politics, particularly as it applies to the current presidential election.


August Steering Committee Meeting

The club’s steering committee meeting for August will be at Anne Humphrey’s home at 1019 Eastover Parkway. Please note that this meeting is early, the first Tuesday instead of the second.


Authority on religion and politics to speak to club

As has been demonstrated in many ways in the 2012 presidential campaign, religion plays an influential role — for better or worse — in American politics.

Dr. Emile Lester

Dr. Emile Lester, a professor of political science and international affairs at the University of Mary Washington and a respected authority on religion and politics, will address some of these issues in an appearance at the Lake of the Woods Democratic Club on August 16.

The club will meet at 1:30 p.m. in the Lower Level of the LOW Clubhouse. As usual, members of the public are cordially invited to attend, regardless of political affiliation.

Dr. Lester, who earned his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, is author of “Teaching Religions: A Democratic Approach for Public Schools” published by the University of Michigan Press and has published numerous articles in scholarly journals, including The Review of Politics, Polity, Journal of Church and State, Politics and Religion, and Public Affairs Quarterly.

A description of his book is available at the Website of the University of Michigan Press.

He co-authored a research report on religion in public education published by First Amendment Center which was featured in The New York Times, The American Interest, USA Today, on C-Span, on NPR, and in various other media outlets around the nation.

Dr. Lester is the recipient of 2010-2011 Jepson Fellowship and a member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed journal, Religion & Education.

To view a guest blog by Professor Lester about his book see the Web site of The Washington Post.

Campaigns Meetings

Kaine staffer says, “We have the better candidate”

Club members listen intently to Tyee Davenport

Tyee N. Davenport, political director for the U.S. Senate campaign of former Gov. Tim Kaine, told the Lake of the Woods Democratic Club July 19 that the more voters get to see Gov. Kaine and his opponent side by side the more likely they are to vote Democratic.

“We will take advantage of every opportunity to get Tim Kaine and George Allen in the same room,” she said. “The more that happens, the better it is for us. We know we have the better candidate.”

Ms. Davenport said the governor is committed to at least eight face-to-face debates, though Allen, a one-term ex-senator closely aligned to the politics of Georg W. Bush, has shown little enthusiasm for joint appearances.

Ms. Davenport said Gov. Kaine has already conducted 67 roundtable conversations with Virginians throughout the Commonwealth, listening to their concerns and responding to questions.

“We can’t let big money buy this election,” Ms. Davenport told club members. She said that the Senate election in Virginia is one of the first tests of the effect of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and that special interest PACs are spending millions of dollars on false television advertising in their attempt to elect a compliant Virginia senator.

She said she looks forward to working with volunteers in Lake of the Woods to spread the governor’s message here.

Visit Tim Kaine’s campaign Web site