
Steering Committee Meeting

The club’s steering committee will meet this month at Chris Carr’s home at 110 Greensprings Road.


October Club Meeting

Bill Speiden, a retired Orange County dairy farmer and former chairman of the Orange County Planning Commission, will speak on the potential threat to the local environment posed by uranium mining. The meeting will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the Woods Center meeting room.

In the News Meetings

Tell them what you think!

Club member Judy Troast gave a thorough and well-researched presentation at the club’s Sept. 15 meeting on the mandate of Congress’ Deficit Reduction Super Committee. A lively discussion followed her presentation. Club members were encouraged to express their ideas and opinions to the committee’s chairs, Sen. Patty Murray of Washington and Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas and other senators and members of Congress. Judy has prepared a sample letter to facilitate that process. Use the letter as is or add your own comments to it, but send your letter right away!


September club meeting

A roundtable discussion of Congress’ new Deficit Reduction “Supercommittee” will be conducted at the club’s September meeting.


Considering the ‘Super Committee’

As Congress’ new Deficit Reduction “Super Committee” prepares to begin its work, members of the Lake of the Woods Democratic Club will conduct a roundtable discussion at its Sept. 15 meeting on the purpose of the committee, its membership and its options.

The group will discuss the various ideas being put forth to both cut spending and raise revenues, notably changes in entitlement programs and the tax code.

Information will be provided on how citizens can make our voices heard during the deliberations of the committee.

The meeting will take place at 1:30 p.m. at the Woods Center meeting room. As always, guests are welcome to attend and take part in the discussion.