
Steering committee meeting

This month’s Steering Committee meeting will be early because he second Tuesday and the third Thursay occur in the same week.

The meeting will be at Nel Meader’s home at 118 Appleview Court. Her phone number is 972-3043.

Here’s a Google map to guide you there:

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Unique program supports Alzheimer’s caregivers

Jane Dalton speaks to club

One in eight Virginians will get Alzheimer’s Disease, Jane Dalton of the Rappahannock Rapidan Service Authority told club members at the Aug. 18 meeting.

Those 85 or over have a fifty-fifty chance of contracting the disease, she said.

Ms. Dalton is program manager for the Connections program, which provides support and training to family members caring for Alzheimer’s patients in Orange, Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison and Rappahannock counties.

About 130,000 people in Virginia have Alzheimer’s Disease and 80 percent of them are in the are of family members rather than professional caregivers.

Ms. Dalton, a retired U.S. Navy officer, said exercise, eating right and maintaining a robust social life can be of great benefit to those with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.

She distributed a pamphlet called “Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease,” which contains a wealth of information about the signs of the disease and treatment options.

Ms. Dalton pointed out that there is a support group for caregivers in Lake of the Woods and encouraged her audience to attend a hearing on public policy regarding Alzheimer’s from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Aug. 30 at the Culpeper Library.

The club was pleased to have several members of the community as guests at the meeting at the Woods Center.

More information about Connections or aging services in the region is available by contacting the Rappahannock Rapidan Community Services Board at (540) 825-2100 or visit the agency’s Web site at


Steering committee meeting

The August meeting of the club’s Steering Committee will be at the home of Judy Troast, 115 Winchester Lane.  Here telephone number is 972-5541.

Here’s a map:

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August club meeting

Jane G. Dalton, a representative of the Rappahannock-Rapidan Community Services Board, will present a program about Connections, a program to support those caring for family members with Alzheimer’s Disease.


Alzheimer’s program is focus of August meeting

Jane Dalton
Jane Dalton, guest speaker

Jane G. Dalton, a representative of the Rappahannock-Rapidan Community Services Board, will speak to the club at its  Aug. 18 meeting about Connections, a program to support those caring for family members with Alzheimer’s Disease.

The Connections program teaches caregiving families how to facilitate interesting, meaningful activities for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia.

Through eight weeks of in-home training and practice, families learn to set up easily accessible activity stations. Over time, the individual receiving care begins re-engaging in past hobbies and interests.

Connections is free to all residents of Orange, Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison and Rappahannock counties. No formal diagnosis is required to be eligible for the program.

A copy of a brochure describing the Connections program  is available on this Web site in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.

Ms. Dalton is a retired U.S. Navy officer, having served in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps for 28 years. She and her husband, who is also a retired naval officer, moved to Madison County in 2008.

She is now project manager for the Connections program, a position that she says in especially meaningful to her since her father died from Alzheimer’s Disease in 1995.

After Ms. Dalton’s remarks, there will be time for questions about Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementia.

The meeting will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 18, at the Woods Center in Lake of the Woods. As  always, visitors are welcome to attend.

For more information about Connections or aging services in the region, contact Rappahannock-Rapidan Community Services at (540) 825-3100 or visit the agency’s Web site.