
Steering Committee Meeting

The Steering Committee of the LOW Democratic Club will meet this month at the home of Shirley Pfile at 209 Edgemont Lane. Her phone number is 972-3812. We have much to be proud of lately, especially a terrific Flag Day picnic and Independence Day parade!


Let’s talk about the issues

Come to the club’s July 21 meeting prepared to discuss current issues before Congress. Bring your ideas and opinions about the debt ceiling, raising corporate taxes, tax cuts for the wealthy, the attack on health care reform, the 2012 presidential campaign or any other issue that you have on your mind.

This is your chance to sound off and share your views with others.

Bring a bag lunch to enjoy while our informal discussion is in progress. Drinks will be provided.

The meeting will be in the usual place — the community meeting room at Woods Center — at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, July 21. Come early to get a seat on the front row!


Discussing the issues

The July 21 meeting will be a group discussion on some of the current issues before Congress. Members are encouraged to bring their ideas on subjects concerning the health care plan, debt ceiling, raising corporate taxes, the 2012 presidential campaign etc.

Please bring a bag lunch. Drinks will be provided.

Campaigns Meetings

The club gets behind Sen. Houck’s re-election

Houck bumpersticker

Heyward Whetsell, field director for Sen. Edd Houck’s campaign for re-election, reported to the LOW Democratic Club at its May 19 meeting and asked for members’ help in keeping Sen. Houck at work in the State Senate.

Club members responded enthusiastically, signing the senator’s candidacy petition and signing up to work phone banks, put up campaign signs and offering to organize a campaign event on his behalf.

Mr. Whetsell said the campaign plans personal contacts with 49,457 voters in the 17th District, targeting not just the Democratic base, but reaching out to consistent persuadable voters and “gubernatorial Democrats,” Democratic voters who don’t habitually vote in off-year elections.

“Reaching out to these groups is the name of the game,” Mr. Whetsell said.

He said Sen. Houck had benefitted from the recent redistricting. He lost some of Culpeper County, but retains the city of Culpaper. The percentage of Republican voters in the newly aligned district has dropped from 67 percent to 60 percent, he said.

Mr. Whetsell said the senator will make appearances at the club’s annual Flag Day Membership Picnic on June 15 at Sweetbriar Park and  in the Fourth of July parade in LOW. In addition, the club is planning to hold an event in LOW to permit voters to meet the senator. Plans for the event will be announced later.

The Houck campaign recently opened a district office at 10813 Courthouse Road, Suite 104, in Fredericksburg, off Va. 208. More information is available at Sen. Houck’s Web site.


Popcorn and a movie … just for fun

A scene from “The Debate”

Need a break from the silliness and downright rudeness that gets passed off as presidential politics these days? Join us for a movie and some popcorn.

The LOW Democratic Club’s next meeting on May 19 will feature a screening of the Nov. 6, 2005, episode of the Emmy Award-winning series “The West Wing,” written by Lawrence O’Donnell Jr.

The show simulates a live presidential debate between fictional Democratic candidate Matthew Santos (played by Jimmy Smits) and fictional Republican candidate Arnold Vinick (played by Alan Alda). During the hour-long debate, the two candidates cover a variety of topics, including immigration reform, job creation and health insurance reform

Take special note: The May 19 meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the Community Center meeting room rather than the club’s regular meeting place at the Woods Center.