Club events

New officers chosen to lead the club into 2012

Leading the LOW Democratic Club for 2012 are (front row, left to right) Lois Powell, Shirley Pfile, Diane Sibley and Pat Drake; (back row) Anne Humphrey, Chris Carr, Gary Sibley, Martha Keys, Nancy Arnold, Norma Lanier, Betty Beck, Kerry Sipe and Mary Berger.

The club’s annual Christmas luncheon at the Bonefish Grill on Dec. 6 was a delightful gathering with excellent food and convivial conversation.

A highlight was the election and introduction of a new slate of officers for the coming year.

Shirley Pfile will serve as chair for 2012. Other members of the steering committee are Pat Drake, secretary; Gary Sibley, treasurer; Norma Lanier and Jan Moore, community projects; Diane Sibley, issues of concern; Anne Humphrey and Libby Kridler, holidays & sunshine; Chris Carr, historian; Mary Berger, membership; Martha Keys, Nancy Arnold, Jim Donovan and Kerry Sipe, programs; Kerry Sipe, publicity, Chris Carr and Lois Powell, special events; and Betty and George Beck, Independence Day parade