We watched our television screens with great pride and enthusiasm as delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte nominated President Obama and Vice President Biden and charted the future course for our party. But a fortunate few got to see history being made firsthand — the delegates to the convention.
The Lake of the Woods Democratic Club will hear personal accounts of the week in Charlotte directly from a panel of Virginia delegates at its meeting Sept. 20 in the LOW Clubhouse.
Janet Payne of Fredericksburg, Thomas H. Francis of North Cumberland and Matthew Rowe of Bowling Green have accepted invitations to be at the meeting to share their experiences and answer questions. Other nearby delegates may also be present.
This program will provide club members and others with a rare opportunity to learn what happens at a national political convention in a way that the television cameras can’t show.
The meeting will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Clubhouse. As always, visitors are welcome, regardless of political affiliation.