
Members a little safer after speaker’s visit

Orange County TRIAD
Richard Bradie

Speaker Richard Bradie, who addressed the club at its Nov. 17 meeting, came laden down with gifts designed to make club members safer.

Mr. Bradie represents TRIAD, a cooperative program involving law enforcement agencies, community groups and senior citizens, working together to protect seniors.

Club members were given “Files for Life,” a kit containing a chart for listing a person’s medical conditions and medications. The file is magnetic so it can be affixed to a refrigerator door. A sticker for a window or door will alert first responders in the event of an emergency, so EMTs can have life-saving medical information even if the patient is unable to communicate. Mr. Bradie said all local first responders have been trained to look for a “File for Life.”

In addition, Mr. Bradie offered members power-failure lights, motion-detecting night lights, magnifying lenses and other items and literature designed to make seniors more secure.

The speaker demonstrated a Guardian Alert 911 system, which a senior can use to summon help at the touch of a button. The system has the advantage of not requiring a monthly fee. Triad provides the systems at no cost, but asks for a $150 donation to defray costs.

The Orange County Triad program is a joint effort by the sheriff’s office, AARP and local seniors.

Club events

Christmas luncheon is Dec. 6 at Bonefish Grill

The club’s popular Christmas luncheon will begin at noon on Tuesday, Dec. 6, this year at Bonefish Grill in Central Park.

On the menu are choices of oak grill salmon, chicken marsala or imperial longfin. Appetizers will be bang, bang shrimp or calamari. Dessert will be crème brule. Unlike previous years, menu selecteions do not have to be made in advance.

The cost of the meal will be $26.20, which includes taxes and gratuity. Checks should be made out to Shirley Pfile and can be brought to the November meeting or mailed to 209 Edgemont Lane, Locust Grove, VA 22508. Deadline for reservations is Nov. 29.


Program for seniors is topic of November meeting

The speaker at the club’s Nov. 17 meeting will be Richard Bradie, who represents TRIAD, a cooperative program involving law enforcement agencies, community groups and senior citizens, working together to keep seniors safe from physical and financial crime and to promote their safety and welfare.

Triad and its parent group, the National Association of Triads Inc., has two goals: (1) To reduce crimes against the elderly and (2) to reduce the unwarranted fear of crime that seniors often experience.

A local Triad conducts organized programs and activities to meet its objectives. Some examples are: Files of Life, wherein magnetic refrigerator cards are distributed to the elderly that capture information for use in case of emergencies; educational talks given to senior groups on crime prevention, scams and schemes, or personal safety; senior visitations or adopt-a-senior; and inter-generational programs.

Mr. Bradie graduated from Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., in 1958 with a degree in psychology. He served two years in the U.S. Army as a photo interpretation officer.

He spent the next 40 years working for a civilian firm  as a contractor to several government agencies, retiring in 2001.

He and his wife, Kathleen, moved to Lake of the Woods in 1999.

Since retiring, Mr. and Mrs. Bradie have been engaged in volunteer efforts, among them, TRIAD, the AARP and the Orange County Visitors Bureau.

The meeting will take place at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 17 in the Community Meeting Room of the Woods Center. Visitors are welcome.

More information about TRIAD is available at the Web site of the National Association of Triads, Inc.

Club activities Club events

Holiday Luncheon

The club’s annual holiday luncheon will be at Bonefish Grill again this year.


November Club Meeting

Dick Bradie will speak to the club about TRIAD, a program involving law enforcement agencies, senior agencies and volunteers to keep seniors safe from crime, both physical and financial. The meeting will take place in the Woods Center.