Club member Judy Troast gave a thorough and well-researched presentation at the club’s Sept. 15 meeting on the mandate of Congress’ Deficit Reduction Super Committee. A lively discussion followed her presentation. Club members were encouraged to express their ideas and opinions to the committee’s chairs, Sen. Patty Murray of Washington and Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas and other senators and members of Congress. Judy has prepared a sample letter to facilitate that process. Use the letter as is or add your own comments to it, but send your letter right away!
Election Day
Election Day
Orange County slate is complete
Nearly half of the 11 seats for Orange County positions in the Nov. 8 elections will be contested. At the filing deadline on Aug. 23, 19 candidates had been certified by Orange County Registrar Donna Jenni.
Here is a brief rundown of the candidates Orange County voters must choose from:
Sheriff: Incumbent Mark Amos vs. Donald Brooks, Culpeper County Jail administrator
Commonwealth’s attorney: Incumbent Diana Wheeler vs. Gilbert Berger, attorney
Treasurer: Incumbent Phyllis Yancey is unopposed
Commissioner of the Revenue: Incumbent Donna Chewning is unopposed.
Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners: Incumbents Robert Bradford and Alyson Sappington are unopposed.
Orange County Board of Supervisors
District 2: Incumbent Zack Burkett vs. Jim White, chairman of the Economic Development Authority, and Art Magner, businessman
District 3: Incumbent Teel Goodwin vs. Billy Curry, pastor, and Will Likins, teacher
District 5: Incumbent Board Chairman Lee Frame vs. Suzanne Brady, real estate broker
School Board: Incuments Sherrie Page of District 2, Judy Carter of District 3 and Jim Hopkins of District 5 are unopposed.
The last day to register to vote in the Nov. 8 election is Oct. 17. For more information about the registering to vote or absentee ballots, contact Jenni at the registrar’s office at 672-5262. Information on how to register, including a voter registration form, is on this Web site.
UPDATE: In late September, Bill Curry, a candidate for District 3 supervisor, announced he was dropping out of the race. In addition, Alexis Gray, a substitute teacher in Orange County Schools, announced her write-in candidacy for the District 5 seat on the School Board.
Reception for Sen. Edd Houck
The Friends of Sen. Edd Houck will hold a reception in honor of the senator at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse. Tickets are $50. To receive an invitation, contact
September club meeting
A roundtable discussion of Congress’ new Deficit Reduction “Supercommittee” will be conducted at the club’s September meeting.