
Steering Committee Meeting

May Steering Committee Meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at Lois Powell’s home at 417 Birdie Road.


May Club Meeting

The May Club meeting. Program to be announced.

In the News Meetings

Agriculture is growing in Orange County

“Agriculture is a very large industry in Orange County,” Agricultural Extension Agent Steve Hopkins told the LOW Democratic Club at its meeting on April 21. “And it’s getting bigger.”

Mr. Hopkins and Kaci Daniel, 4-H Extension agent, gave club members an overview of local agriculture and described the wide variety of services that the Cooperative Extension Service provides to farmers, gardeners, homemakers and young people.

Extension Agents Steve Hopkins and Kaci Daniel

In terms of sales, Orange has the seventh largest agricultural economy of Virginia’s 100 counties.

The largest agricultural enterprise in the county is the nursery and greenouse industry, Mr. Hopkins said. Two large nursery operations — Battlefield Farms and American Color — helped nurseries overtake cattle raising as the top agricultural enterprise locally.

Total farms in the county are up 9 percent in the past five years, while the acreage devoted to farming is up 4 percent. Receipts from crops increased an impressive 163 percent during that period.

Ms. Daniel reminded her audience that farmers are not the only citizens who benefit from Extension Service programs. She cited education programs on nutrition, health, fitness, personal finance, food preservation, consumer skills, restaurant food safety, landscaping and youth development, including the ever popular 4-H Clubs.

The speakers distributed a valuable summary of the current state of agriculture in Orange County. More information about the Extension Service is available online at the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service Web site.

The Extension Service’s programs in Virginia are based at the Commonwealth’s two land-grant universities, Virginia Tech in Blacksburg and Virginia State University in Petersburg.

Club activities Public Service

Serving at Sheltering Arms

The club is scheduled to serve a meal at Sheltering Arms homeless shelter in Orange today.


Extension Service is topic of April meeting

Kaci Daniel

Kaci Daniel, a representative of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, will speak to the Lake of the Woods Democratic Club on April 21 on the work of the Extension Service in Orange County.

The presentation will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the Woods Center meeting room. Guests are welcome.

Agriculture continues to be a significant part of Orange County’s economy and way of life. Ranked by sales, Orange is the seventh largest agricultural county in Virginia. The county is home to more than 400 active farms averaging 243 acres each, according to the Orange County Chamber of Commerce.

Ms. Daniel will provide an overview of the programs that Extension offers and will suggest ways that citizens can take advantage of educational opportunities the agency provides in its four main areas of emphasis: agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer services and family nutrition.

Ms. Daniel has served as the 4-H Extension agent in Orange County since 2001. She is a native of Madison County who grew up in the 4-H program. She received her bachelor’s degree in dairy science and her master’s degree in career and technical education from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.

She is a member of the National and Virginia Associations of Extension 4-H Agents and a volunteer for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Virginia and the Madison County Fair.

Ms. Daniel’s Extension work in Orange focuses on youth development in clubs, camps, and school program settings as well as volunteer development and support for more than 400 volunteers.  She has conducted interdisciplinary programs with Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, and the Family Nutrition Program.

More information is available at the Virginia Agricultural Extension Service Web site or the Orange County Extension Office Web site.